The Best Drinks at Starbucks (According to 14 Popular Celebs)

Need a little drink-spiration? Here are the best drinks at Starbucks according to your favorite celebs!

It happens to the best of us. You’re at the mall… minding your own business, when suddenly the heavenly aroma of coffee blasts you square in the face! You try to resist, but suddenly you find yourself standing in the line at Starbucks trying to figure out what to order.

Or, maybe the temptation comes from somewhere else. Like when your awesome coworker says “Hey, I’m going to Starbucks! Do you want anything?” Or, maybe that hot guy you met online wants to meet for coffee… and you don’t want to look like a dork trying to figure out what to get.

If you’re anything like me, you hate spending that $4-5 at the coffee shop, but we all gotta splurge a little sometimes! And, it’s coffee after all… who can resist it?

If you’re a Starbucks pro, you can probably recite your favorite Starbucks drink backward and forward. But for some of us, the line at Starbucks can be a deer in the headlights moment! There are so many options! How the heck do you know what to order?

The next time you find yourself wondering what to order at Starbucks, why not take a little inspiration from your favorite celebrity? After all, they’ve gotta get their morning fix, too!

The Best Drinks at Starbucks

Here are the best drinks at Starbucks, according to your favorite celebs!

1.      Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has not one, but two favorite drinks at Starbucks. If she’s not ordering a Grande Iced Caramel Latte, then she’s probably ordering a Grande Iced Americano. Both with soy milk and two Sweet’n’Lows, thank you very much.

2.      Ariana Grande

Ariana is a Starbucks ambassador with her own drink! It’s called the Cloud Macchiato. However, we were surprised to find out that her go-to drink order is actually the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino!

3.      Kim Kardashian West

According to our research, Kim’s two favorite Starbucks drinks are a Soy Chai Latte or a White Chocolate Mocha with whipped cream.

4.      Britney Spears

We’ve all seen the photos of Britney with a Starbucks Frappuccino in hand, but according to Cosmo, her true drink of choice is the Passion Tango Herbal Tea.

5.      Nicole Kidman

Fox News reported that Nicole Kidman orders a “Triple Grande Skim Wet Cappuccino.” Clearly, this is one celeb who knows what she likes!

6.      Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga love pretty Starbucks drinks, and it shows! She also collaborates with Starbucks and has worked with them through her Born This Way Foundation to make four dairy-free drinks called the Violet Drink, Pink Drink, Matcha Lemonade, and Ombre Pink Drink. Twenty-five cents from each drink sold goes to her charity. Clearly, Gaga is a huge fan of the chain, but her favorite is the Matcha Lemonade.

7.      Reese Witherspoon

Apparently, a gossipy Starbucks barista let it slip to Fox News that Reese loves to get her day started with a strong Almond Soy Latte.

8.      James McAvoy

According to our research, James orders a tall, plain dark roast coffee when he stops at Starbucks. The question is, does he add sugar and cream, or drink it black?

9.      Katie Holmes

Have you ever wondered what your favorite Dawson’s Creek star orders at Starbucks? According to reports, Katie is very particular when it comes to her morning caffeine fix. Her drink is a Half-Caf Grande Soy Latte.

10.  Hugh Jackman

This member of the X-Men squad really loves his caffeine! Hugh orders a Grande Dark Red Eye, which is a regular dark roast coffee with an extra shot of espresso. Talk about an eye-opener!

11.  Miley Cyrus

It took a little investigating, but we found out that Miley is a fan of the Grande Nonfat White Mocha… no whip, please!

12.  Kylie Jenner

During a #AskKylie session on Twitter, a fan asked her what her favorite drink at Starbucks was. Kylie’s answer? A Caramel Frappe! She also goes for one of the prettiest drinks at Starbucks- the Passion Tea Lemonade with raspberry sweetener. (Trust us, it’s gorgeous!)

13.  Mary -Kate Olsen

Here’s another girl who’s very specific with her Starbucks order! Mary-Kate goes for a Venti Sugar-Free Vanilla Skim Latte. Wow, that’s a mouthful…

14.  Katy Perry

Katy Perry’s go-to drink at Starbucks is a Vanilla Soy Latte. It’s one of our favorites, too, and we’ve got the recipe right here if you want to try your hand at making one at home! (It’s super easy…  just your basic vanilla latte made with soy milk.)

Next time your standing in line at Starbucks wondering what to order, take a little inspiration from your favorite star. Who knows, it just might turn out to be your new favorite drink!

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