Double Green Matcha from Republic of Tea is hands down my favorite green tea. It has a delicious grassy, green, springtime flavor that I find to be very uplifting and energizing, but somehow soothing at the same time. This tea contains both organic Japanese Green Matcha Powder and organic Chinese Green Tea leaves, making it even more healthy and delicious than your average green tea.
Continue reading for my full review of Double Green Matcha from Republic of Tea and learn all about its amazing health benefits.

Heat fresh, filtered water to boiling. Let it cool for 30 seconds. Pour hot water over your tea bag and let it steep for 1-3 minutes, depending on your personal taste. Be sure to remove the teabag when it’s done steeping to avoid over extracting the tea, which can result in a bitter brew.
Serving suggestions for Double Green Matcha from Republic of Tea:
The tea is delicious on its own, but I also enjoy it with a bit of honey and lemon. For an extra boost of health and flavor, try adding a couple of slices of fresh ginger to the cup while steeping as well.
Where to purchase Double Green Matcha Tea by Republic of Tea:
This tea can be ordered HERE, and shipped right to your door!
–>Click here to purchase Double Green Matcha Tea from Republic of Tea.<–.
To learn more about the amazing benefits of green tea, check out this post: The Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Health, Weight Loss, Skin, and Anti-aging!